Needham Ag 3” Urethane Narrow Gauge Wheel Tires
If you have had trouble with narrow rubber gauge wheel tires being damaged by short stubble (such as soybean or cotton stubble) similar to what is illustrated below, we have a solution. Our new 3 x 16” tires (illustrated left) are green in color and made from urethane, a strong, flexible and tear resistant material that has been found to last at least 3-4 times longer than the rubber tires which comes standard on OEM and after-market gauge wheel assemblies. Our 3 x 16” urethane tires are a drop in replacement that are easy to install (see video below). Our 3 x 16” urethane narrow gauge wheel tires now feature a 3 year free replacement warranty on the OD of the tire (3 year warranty begins from invoice date and covers against tears and significant stubble damage to the OD of the tire). The 3 x 16” urethane narrow gauge wheel tires are available to fit within the following 3” Narrow Gauge Wheel assemblies.
If you have had trouble with rubber gauge wheels being damaged by short stubble (such as soybean or cotton stubble) similar to what is illustrated below, we have a solution. Our new replacement 3 x 16” urethane tires (illustrated left) are green in color and they have been found to last at least 3-4 times longer than the rubber tires which comes standard within OEM and after-market gauge wheel assemblies. Our 3 x 16” urethane tires are a drop in replacement that are easy to install (see video below).
For more information, together with pricing – please click the link below.