Lipa Agricultural Machinery
The TLBE flail mower head is perfect for mowing grass, brush and small trees up to around 1” in diameter. They are designed to be used on a mini excavator which weigh between around 2.0 and 5.0 tons (4000-10,000 lb) with sufficient oil flow. Larger flail mowers are available for larger excavators, please contact us for more details.
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The TLBE-S heavy duty flail mower is perfect for mowing grass, brush and small trees up to around 2-3” in diameter. They are designed to be used on a mini excavator which weigh between around 6 and 10 tons (12,000-20,000 lb) with sufficient oil flow. Larger forestry mulchers are available for larger excavators, please contact us for more details.
picture_as_pdf Download More Information On The Heavy Duty TLBE-S Heavy Duty Flail Mowers For Larger Mini Excavators (PDF)
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The Lipa TLBE-SF flail mulchers are designed to bridge the gap between the TLBE-S flail mowers and the TLE-FS fixed tooth mulchers, both from a cost and performance perspective. They are designed for mini excavators which weigh between 10,000 lb and 16,000 lb.
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The Lipa TLE-FS mulcher series are designed to be operated on larger mini excavators, which ideally weigh between 12,000 and 20,000 lb and ideally have 20-30 GPM of oil flow. These mulchers are designed to mulch brush and trees up to 4-6” in diameter with the smaller models and 6-8” with the larger models (these mulchers will mulch larger diameter soft wood). Larger mulchers are available for larger excavators, please contact us for more details.
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The TLB-F hydraulic mower is designed for skid-steer loaders. It is built to mow grass, brush and small trees up to around 1 ½” in diameter. The TLB-F is designed for skid-steer loaders greater than 30HP, that have sufficient oil flow.
picture_as_pdf Download More Information about Lipa TLB-F Flail Mowers for Smaller Skid Steer Loaders (PDF)
The TLF heavy duty flail mower is designed for larger skid-steer loaders. It is built to mow grass, brush and small trees up to 2-3” in diameter. The TLF is designed for skid-steer loaders from around 70-100 hp and those that have 24 – 37 gallons per minute of auxiliary oil flow.
picture_as_pdf Download More Information about Lipa Heavy Duty TLF Flail Mowers for Larger Skid Steer Loaders (PDF)
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We offer a good selection of different Lipa flail mowers for different sized tractors. These 3pt tractor flail mowers are available in two different configurations, the TLC series (rigid) and the TLS series (with hydraulic side shift). Both the TLC & TLS series come with heavy duty tri-toothed flails and heavy duty drives. The TLC & TLS mowers will both cut/mulch grass, brush and small trees (up to around 2-3" in diameter). For more information on these mowers, please click the two different PDF links below.
picture_as_pdf Download More Information about Lipa tractor mounted TLS flail mowers (with side shift feature) (PDF)
picture_as_pdf Download More Information about Lipa tractor mounted TLC mowers (without side shift) (PDF)
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The 3pt tractor mounted TLA offset flail mowers are a very versatile product, suitable for farms, vineyards and golf courses. The flail head can be adjusted in and out with the tractor hydraulics, and the flail head can also be hydraulically adjusted from vertical (to mow tree lines and hedges), all the way down to 60 degrees below horizontal (to mow ditch banks). A 2nd pair of tractor remotes is required (or a switch block to create 2 pairs of hydraulic couplers). Both hydraulic cylinders have flow regulating valves, to adjust folding speeds (in both directions). The mower can also be positioned behind the tractor, for use when mowing open areas. The TLA series is designed for 70-120 hp tractors, but a smaller TLBA series (for 35-50 hp tractors) and a larger TLA-P series (for 100-140 hp tractors) are also available (for more information on these, please contact us directly).
picture_as_pdf Download More Information about Lipa 3 pt Tractor Mounted – TLA Offset Flail Mowers (PDF)
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Our experience with Lipa
During the summer of 2018 we bought a LIPA TLBE-100 flail mower for our Caterpillar mini excavator, from the LIPA company in Italy.
In November 2019 Phil, Holly and Ben Needham visited the LIPA factory in Italy. We were very impressed by the diversity of different mowers they made and we were extremely impressed by the quality of their products and their standards of manufacturing technology.
We were so impressed with the LIPA products and their manufacturing facility, that we become the distributor for all LIPA products across the USA.
We currently stock most of their range of flail mowers for small to large mini excavators, in addition to flail mowers for tractors and skid steer loaders.
We do have a limited supply of their forestry mulchers for larger excavators and skid-steer loaders, so please contact us for more information on these products!

